Sunday 2 January 2011

Happy 2011!

Happy New Year! We're moving... sort of.

Kate is putting the 'move' into Sepahi on the Move today with the first 8 posts of a new photoblog entitled "Sepahi 365: a Project 365 satellite of Sepahi on the Move". The new photoblog is a photo-a-day challenge to chronicle the evolution of skills and experiences over the course of a year. It is hosted by Wordpress and can be found at

So tweak your RSS feeds or add on a bookmark. These are exciting times that promise to bear creative and dynamic shots from wherever the Photographer on the Move should find herself this year. 2011 shall be a year of candid shots, portraiture, infrared photography, light painting, cityscapes, macro adventures and as many DIY projects that can be undertaken without voiding her life insurance policy!

Check in daily and comment often!

See you over at !!